The Present Future, Participant's Guide

This study is a video study available here.

Book Author
Reggie McNeal
Publish Year
List Price

Join Reggie McNeal in person in this lively video presentation, based on his best-selling book, The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church. In the ten sessions on the four DVDs, you'll accompany Reggie and his studio audience as they explore the new realities of being and doing church in North America, realities that challenge models of church growth, acknowledge generational shifts, and provide stimulating new ways of thinking about the missional possibilities of the church—about YOUR church.

The Participant's Guide includes the following:

  • A brief introduction to the main issues the DVDs address, to help orient you to the questions and challenges it raises.
  • "Conversation Starters," questions designed to spark thinking and insight (as well as conversations with your fellow participants) as you ponder your responses to viewing the DVD sessions.
  • Questions that you may consider between sessions.